Tuesday 9 September 2008

Closet Organization

One of the ironies of life today is that, for all the labor-saving devices and speedy transportation we possess, we still feel as if there is not enough time in the day to accomplish everything we want to do.

Do you feel the time crunch? Give a thought to your daily activities. How much time do you spend looking for things that you've misplaced or lost - such as car keys, grocery lists, or the clothing your kids need before they go to school, etc.

And it's not just a matter of you spending five minutes looking for something you've misplaced. That's five minutes that you could have spent doing something else. So that's actually ten minutes lost out of your day. And those minutes add up so that at the end of the day...and week...and month, you don't know where the time has gone.

If you can stop wasting time looking for misplaced items, then you'll have more time to spend getting your work done, and thus more time to spend in leisure activities such as reading or playing sports.

There's an old saying that's as important today as it has ever been, "A place for everything and everything in its place."

And that includes your closet. (And perhaps more importantly if you have children, your kid's closets!)

If you're able to look into your closet and see all your clothing hanging neatly, and in organized fashion (all blouses together, all t-shirts together, all sweatshirts together, all light dresses together, all dark, and so on), then it's the work of a moment to choose the matching items you need for the day. (And indeed, if you make your decision the evening before and set out the next day's clothing then, you'll be even more ahead of the game).

It's easier than ever to organize your closet. There all sorts of systems out on the market - trees on which to place shoes, shelves that slide out so you can reach things easily, and multi-tiered rack systems - all so that you can reduce the clutter in your closet. These systems come in a variety of prices, of course, from the most inexpensive plastic varieties to the more elegant - and consequently expensive, systems made from wood or metal.

With an organized closet, you'll find that you have a lot more space in which to place items that you want close at hand. You'll save time because everything will be at your fingertips. You'll reduce changes of accident - stepping on something breakable because it's hidden underneath a casually thrown shirt, or having a heavy box fall on your head because you've got them stacked precariously on a top shelf.

The cliche with kids - from toddlers to teens - is that given the option they would live in a messy room. That's certainly true of toddlers, but you owe it to your kids to teach them, as soon as they are able to properly grasp the concepts, of the common-sense virtues of organization. For their time is precious, also.

Published At: www.Isnare.com
Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=118579&ca=Home+Management

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