Wednesday 10 September 2008

Find the Perfect Closet Shoe Organizer

There are many ways to organize your shoes in your closet. Which one you choose depends in large part on personal style and on just how much space you have in that closet. Here are some tips to help you get the perfect closet shoe organizer for your needs.

Take an inventory of your space

Do you have space on the floor of your closet for a shoe rack? Could you use the back of your closet door for a hanging closet shoe organizer? Do you have space in your closet for a hanging shoe organizer? Figure out what space you have and what organizing solution would work best for your space. If you are already using the space on your floor for other storage, a traditional shoe rack is not the solution for you. Likewise, if you are using the closet door for other storage, the closet shoe organizer that fits on the closet door will not work. And if you already have a closet filled to overflowing with clothes, the one that hangs in your closet will not work for you. Know where you have space for your shoes and find a closet shoe organizer that works within that space.

Know what size closet shoe organizer you need
One piece of this is just counting how many shoes you have to make sure that you buy a closet shoe organizer that will actually fit all of the shoes that you have. The other piece of this is measuring the space that you will be putting the closet shoe organizer in. Measure the space that you have and make sure to take those measurements with you when you go shopping for that shoe organizer. You do not want to come home with a closet shoe organizer that does not fit in the space that you have.

Shop around to find an organizer that fits your style
The sheer volume of closet shoe organizers out there is amazing. No matter what your personal style and preference is, you will be able to find the perfect solution for you. Searching online is a good place to start your search for the perfect shoe organizer. That will at least give you an idea of the different kinds of options available. Your local organizing store and some department stores will also have a variety of closet shoe organizer products.

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