Wednesday 10 September 2008

The Custom Closet Organizer

When it comes to spring and fall cleaning, everyones worst nightmare is cleaning the closets. All year long, where is the first thing you put something that does not have its own place? it is the closet.

It would make things so much easier if there was some kind of organization. Now there is!. The need for organization has been recognized and with this realization came the invention of the custom closet organizer.

A closet organizer can be used in any closet, whether it is in a bedroom, bathroom or pantry. A custom closet organizer can be used in any size closet to assist you in organizing any type of clutter.

If you choose to use a custom closet organizer for a clothes closet, it can consist of rods to hang all of your clothes, drawers to put your personal items, hooks for ties and belts and shoe trees to organize your shoe collection.

If you are using a closet organizer for your pantry, you would probably want to have plenty of shelves to store your canned and boxed foods, also hooks to hang your pots and pans, and bins to store your cooking and eating utensils.

You would want to have another area of your custom organizer to store all of your appliances so you can keep your counters clear.

In the bathroom, a custom closet organizer is usually a unit that has shelves and can keep all of the soaps, and shampoos that each member of your family uses neat and orderly.

Closet organizers can be found in every major department and discount store across America. They are usually made of either plastic or lightweight metal and assembly is pretty basic.

When you do a Google search, you will yield millions of links to closet organizers. There are even some online companies that will allow you to design your own closet organizer on their web site.

Custom closet organizer can be specifically made to fit any closet. They can be made and installed by any do-it-yourself enthusiast, but it is recommended that a contractor makes and installs them.

Certain types of closet organizers are recommended for different rooms. In the bathroom, a plastic closet organizer is needed because the plastic resists mold and mildew that the constant moisture of the shower produces.

In a bedroom or living area closet, wooden closet organizers are recommended because there is very little moisture and the threat of moisture erosion is minimal.

When you are using a custom closest organizer in a pantry, stainless steel is recommended because of its strength and durability. They are easy to clean and more sanitary then wood or plastic.

When you are shopping for a closet organizer your want to make sure that it will suit your needs. Ask store personnel if there is a display model of the closet organizer you are interested in. you want one that is made of durable material, not thin flimsy plastic and something that will not take a rocket scientist to put together.

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